⭐️At Paws First, LLC, we believe in building a special bond with your dog.
⭐️Our experienced and certified trainers are ready to help you with your training concerns and goals.
⭐️Using humane and natural methods, we will teach you how to train your dog effectively.
⭐️With our specialized treatment plan, we will help you help your dog!
⭐️We understand that each dog and family is unique, so we tailor our training to address their specific needs.
⭐️From basic manners to advanced commands, we cover it all to ensure your dog’s well-rounded training experience.
Private Dog Training ln Your Home
We provide 1:1 dog training for puppies and adult dogs. Please contact us if you have questions, or you would like to schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation.
Our Training and Behavior Programs are based on the scientifically proven positive reinforcement methods.
Walk calmly at your side
Sit and stay until you say otherwise
Greet strangers and visitors calmly
Leave items alone at your request
Drop whatever object is currently in her mouth
Wait at doors, rather than rushing past you
Go to his bed
Come running when called!
How much does Paws First Positive Training cost?
- Single training sessions start at $125 per session.
- 4 -session Manners training package: $480
- 7 -session Manners training package: $805
10-session Manners training package: $1150
Puppy 1 & II– Training in Home
A series of 7-10 In-Home lessons for you and your puppy. This series is customized around the skills you would like to learn. Training for you and your pet in your home.
Adolescent – Training in Home
A series of 4-10 In-Home lessons for you and your adolescent 6 months & older. This series is customized around the skills & behaviors you would like to learn and address. These are one on one sessions for you and your pet in your home.What is a Behavior problem
Problem behaviors are any behavior a dog owner deems problematic. They can also be called nuisance behaviors. It is important to understand that a behavior may be deemed problematic by one dog owner but completely acceptable or even encouraged by another
- Positive Reinforcement of Alternate Behaviors
- Management and Setting the Dog up to Succeed
- Consequences for the Problem Behaviors
- Consistency in Dealing with Problem Behaviors
- Single Behavior Sessions start at $150 per session.
- 4 -session Behavior package: $ 570
- 7 -session Behavior training package: $945
- 10-session Behavior training package: $1275
In Your Home Private Training
Private Training- 60-90 minute
Contact a Paws First Positive Training to discuss our Manners Training packages.
What are the advantages of private in-home lessons?
- You and your dog are more comfortable
- Lessons are scheduled at your convenience and there is no traveling
- You have our full attention which allows for customization of your training program
- Behavioral problems can be better assessed in your home
- More time spent with you and your dog means you should progress at a quicker pace
- Group lessons require a trainer to address a whole spectrum of issues that may not affect you
- Private lessons ensure no distractions from others and our complete focus is on your issues.
Private One-On-One Behavioral Consultation at the client’s home
Behavioral consultations are for owners who have dogs with specific behavioral challenges. In the clients home.
Behavioral Modification Programs
- Resource Guarding (Toys, Food & People)
- Fear Aggression
- Food Aggression
- Separation Anxiety